The National Trends and Services facet is tasked with eliminating disparities by reducing barriers to resources through advocacy, education, and service. Our chapters are empowered to raise their voices and transform the communities in which they work. The facet’s goals include increasing the number of sustainable and measurable programs; increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need.
Notable Accomplishments
- January: NTS committee, partnering with Zeta Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. conducted a Coat and Shoe Drive for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service for the Tacoma Rescue Mission (TRM)
- February: NTS committee, in collaboration with HHS Facet and the non-profit Power of Two, donated $200 for diapers and socks for the Bethlehem Family Shelter.
- March: NTS supplied hygiene kits for both the Tacoma Rescue Mission and Bethlehem Family Shelter. 100 kits were distributed between the 2 shelters.
- April: NTS committee provided a presentation at Bethlehem Family Shelter on using community resources on how to find and obtain affordable housing.
- November: The committee purchased 150 Thanksgiving meals for families at Tacoma Rescue Mission and donated to Saars Grocery Food Bank Meals for 10 families. NTS members purchased and handed out 52 food kits which included mandarin fruit cups, cups of peaches, Swiss Miss packages of hot cocoa, packs of oatmeal, packets of apple cider, cans of chicken breast, as well as 50 donated prayer cards with encouraging bible verses. These items were given to the nonprofit organization Power of 2.
- December: Donation to the Holiday Party at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Several members of NTS volunteered at the party. Great event put on by HHS.
- January: Donations of clothes and household goods to the Mission Thrift Store of the Tacoma Rescue Mission. Also provided Holiday Meals for 100 -150 homeless at the Tacoma Rescue Mission. Committee and chapter members volunteered to cook and serve meals to the shelter for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service.
- February: The committee in collaboration with the Power of Two met at the First Methodist Church in Tacoma. NTS will be provided bags of fruit, cookies, stickers, and hygiene kits bags for Heart Health Month.
- NTS donated $150.00 to the Tacoma Pierce County Black Collective for Black History Month. The committee provided spices for their “Taste of History” event.
- March: NTS committee members personally delivered over 50 hygiene kits to homeless people on the streets in Tacoma and Lacey as part of the Helping Hearts Project and Hygiene Drive. The kits contained underwear, socks, fruit, cleansing wipes, shower gel, hand and body lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissue, water, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, shampoo & conditioner. NTS donated a $100.00 check to Services to Youth – Coffee Oasis Youth Shelter Project for the month of March.
- April: Continuation of committee members providing hygiene kits to homeless individuals on the streets.
Planned Event(s)
The Homeless Initiative is an ongoing crisis that will continue throughout the year and beyond. Committee members and the chapter at large will continue to donate directly to the Tacoma Rescue Mission, Men and Women’s Shelters, The Mission Thrift Store and sponsor clothing, food, hygiene, and spice drives throughout the year.
Upcoming Event(s)
- Update & distribute Homeless Resource Cards
- Increase collaboration with Power of 2 and Bethlehem Baptist Shelter in support of homeless community
- Provide focus on financial literacy and education to community at large on budgeting, savings, and stability.